Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day Nine of My Twelve Days of Crafting

Hello everyone!
Well, I had a great night at Woolly Lamb tonight! Yes, I was there on a Tuesday night! Brigitte had the first of three classes of Cat Bordhi's "Sweet Tomato Heel Sock." It's a new method of knitting heels and so far so good. I have the toe started and almost done. There's not much to show for my work but I did learn something new. We have to knit up to the "hinge of the foot" for the next class which is next week. I have a bit of homework to do with this sock. The class was full but Brigitte was still able to give each one of us individual attention. I felt bad because we stayed a extra half-hour over our time!

I love to knit and learn new techniques so this is the perfect combination for me!

I found a great new pattern today on line to make an "XL Hot Pad" which measures 10 x 15.5. It is designed by Vickie Eapen of Spun Sugar Quilts.  Of course, it's quilted! It's nice to put under a 9 x 13 dish. You can find this pattern and many others on their website. You can also find a tutorial for it on Pinterest.

If only I had to time to make everything I want to make.....

Well, off to bed for me. How come the evenings fly by but the days go like snails!

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