Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Monday!

Hello friends!
Weathering (no pun intended) the many storms we're experiencing now. We really need the rain as we had sod put in and don't want to water if we don't have to!

Well, I did manage to stay the same (more or less - give or take .2 lbs! Oh well, it's a lifelong habit.  I'm trying to get more walking in now that it's warmer. I really love to walk and it's my best exercise.

I finished my April square for my block of the month project. It's the white one on the top right hand side. I still need to choose my fabric for the May block. Maybe I'll audition some fabric for my readers to help me choose!

I also purchased a beautiful jelly roll and it was delivered today; Downtown Abbey fabric. This is the Dowager line. Very pretty purple colors. (Hard to tell in this pic.)

I also have been working on my green shawl and have my second sock more than half way done!

Hope you had a nice day and enjoy the rest of the evening.

Until the next time....

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Hump Day!

Good evening friends!
Nothing much happening today. I finished the monthly report at work (a 2 1/2 day project WITH 3 helpers!) so life is good! It's also Thursday tomorrow and that means Knit Night!!! Then, it's Friday!

My WW experience has been so so lately. I think I'll either stay the same or hopefully lose tomorrow. I've been trying to walk more now to get some activity points. I'm bringing some strawberries, blueberries and fat free Cool Whip to share with my WW friends. Should be a nice snack and no points! Report on my loss? on Friday's post! (Good or bad!)

Again, not a whole lot to talk about tonight. Getting my projects prepared for tomorrow's Knit Night and then Chicago PD...exciting life, I know.

Until the next time.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hello all!
I had a wonderful time last night at Joanne's Confirmation. It was at Holy Name Cathedral downtown. It is a beautiful church! Cardinal George officiated along with Bishop Goedeart and Bishop Kane. A very moving mass and we were happy to be there for Joanne.

Joanne looked very beautiful and looks just like her Mother!

Of course, I took a pic of "the boys!" What a bunch of great looking guys!

A picture of  David and Joanne is always great!

My two handsome sons!
Gregory and David

And of course, Gregory! 
He is very much a ham!

It was a nice evening being all together and I'm glad we had the chance to be with Joanne and her family on such a great occasion!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy Monday!

Monday always comes around, doesn't it?

Just a another short but sweet post. I'm posting during lunch today as I didn't have time this morning.

I had a so-so WW weekend. Saturday was good as I figured I used most of my 49 extra points for dinner and would be back on track for the week. Sunday was not the best but I figured if there were any "leftover" points from my bank, I certainly used them as well as any Activity Points I received. Back on track today! That's the good thing; there's always tomorrow!

I did some sewing yesterday and was happy with my progress. I did some "homework" on our monthly blocks (we forgot we had to do it so I volunteered to do it yesterday so Ro could do her part.) I also finished my block of the month for April (yes, I'm a month behind!) and did some work on my project bags. I've resigned myself to the fact that since I don't have a large chunk of time to work on my sewing, I'll just do it in increments. It will get done, slowly but surely. I'm trying to "let it go!"

My second sock is coming along nicely! I'm doing the heel now and hope to have it turned and ready to just start knitting the foot part on Thursday. I really enjoy knitting socks and sometimes wonder why I don't do more of them! I guess time is the old enemy! I haven't knit on the green scarf for a while but am determined to finish it before September! : )

Well, lunch time is just about over so I'll sign off. Until we meet again!

Please take a moment to "follow" my blog or "like" my Facebook page if you haven't already!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

May 3, 2014

Good morning friends!
Had a bit of a scare yesterday afternoon. I was sitting at work and thought there was a smear on my glasses. I took them off to see and realized the smear was not on my glasses! I saw a vertical line floating past my right eye. I looked up retinal detachment an thought that may be it. Called the doctor and he said to come in today. I just got back and luckily it wasn't as bad as that. Some kind of fluid in the eye was detached from the back of the eye. I guess the retina could detach but not likely. Have to go back in 6 weeks to check but be aware of the signs. Can't do anything about the line though. I hope it goes away at some point! My worst nightmare; not being able to see to do my crafts!!!!

Anyway. It's always something isn't it? I know some people have worse problems so I'm grateful it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Well, I'm very proud of myself; through this drama (and it could have been enough to push me over the edge), I was able to continue my healthy eating! Yeah!!! Two full days! It feels good and I'm getting my old mojo back! Let's hope it stays with me.

Here are a couple of the knitting projects I'm working on. I'm posting at home so I can add pics! (I hope!)

A beautiful shawl started

One sock complete and the second one started

Of course, I have some new fabric to make a project bag! Love the turquoise for the lining!

Well, that's it for now. Enjoy your Saturday!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday May 2, 2014

Good morning!
I had a wonderfully successful "first day" of my new personal weight loss challenge. After gaining a "few" pounds these past 4 months, I decided to get back on track and try to get to my goal weight. (Only 20 pounds to go! Considering I've lost 50 pounds already - that IS attainable!) Weight Watchers is the best method, for me, to do that. I have meetings at work so it couldn't be more convenient. The Firm even pays for all sessions if you attend at least 9 of the 12 meetings! Couldn't be easier!

It occurred to me that this healthier lifestyle has to be just that, a "lifestyle." You can't lose weight and then eat like you did before. Take it from me, IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY! My new mantra is "Is it worth it?" I also realized that to maintain my weight loss, I need to think that way all the time! Funny how something can just "click" and you realize what you need to do.

Hopefully I can maintain this positive attitude and continue on to reach my goal. However, I won't beat myself up if I slip up again. I know how to get back on track. It's a lifestyle. As my WW leader Lisa says, this mantra can help you in your person life too.

Stepping off my soap box....

Anyway, I posted several pictures on my Facebook page "Crafts are My Life" last night so you can see what I've been up to. Never fear, I have been knitting - haven't tossed that aside! I'll post some pics tonight on the projects I've completed and those (many) that are in the works! I have an urge to so some scrapbooking so watch for updates on that! Memorial day is coming up so maybe something patriotic for my friends!

I'm so happy I can access my blog now at work! The best time for me to blog is when I get into work in the am before punching in. I get here so early that it gives me time to take care of this.

Off to have my coffee (hopefully the water is safe to drink!) There is some construction going on outside our building on Madison and the water wasn't safe to drink/use yesterday afternoon. Toilet water was rust colored! YUK!!

Until we meet again!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy May Day!

Hello to all my friends!
I decided to start up with my blog again! I've been busy making things, dealing with family issues, personal issues and just being busy! I truly enjoy blogging and showing off my newest projects, confiding my personal struggles and getting support from family and friends. So here goes a try for more blogs....

My Sewing Bee friends, Liz, Gladys and Ro have been steadily cranking out our monthly banners. We've completed October through May and have started June. We've been working diligently at Liz's house and have been watching the transformation of her new kitchen on the first floor of her two flat. It's an amazing process and makes me nervous to sit in there or work in the house with new floors! I'd HATE to be the one who puts the first mark on the floor, cabinet, etc! Tony, we're still waiting for our keys to your house!! : )

The Sewing Bees had a wonderful weekend together with four of our knitting friends in Lake Delavan, WI. We discovered a great quilt store in Milton, WI and shopped til we dropped. We walked around and chatted like it was our house and the staff was very patient and understanding. We also went to two charming knitting shops nearby and had a blast being together. It was a very cold weekend but we didn't feel the cold because we were warm and happy in a great hotel.

Our group comforted each other with family problems and helped each other through it all. I am so thankful that I've found such a welcoming home in the Woolly Lamb Yarn Studio through Brigitte and the the friends I've made there.

I'm currently working on many projects; a Jelly Roll quilt, the second of a pair of socks, a beautiful summer scarf, sewing knitting project bags, a block of the month club on Facebook, etc., etc. I'll post some pictures regularly because there are just more projects than I could possibly put in one blog.

I'm looking forward to going to a quilt show with the Sewing Bees (we even have our own t-shirts) in June and buying fabric to make a Valor Quilt. (or at least put it in the queue!) We have many projects that we (the Sewing Bees) want to make together so we'll be sewing for a long time!

Finally able to access my blog from work so I'd better start the day. Tonight is Knit Night at Woolly Lamb so I won't have time to post pics tonight. I'll be posting some pictures tomorrow night and updating everyone!

Until we meet again!