Monday, June 4, 2012

Another Day (or Night)

I found that posting at night is a good idea. My day is still fresh in my mind and I can write about the exciting day I had.....unless of course there is nothing to write about! : ) I did do some sewing on the binding of Soduko after dinner and America's Got Talent tonight. I love that show! Nick Cannon, the host, is very hot - he even took off his shirt to do some pole dancing. But I digress; I'm loving Soduko but don't know what to do with it. Maybe I'll keep it for myself! Novel idea. I probably don't deserve to keep something so nice! Tomorrow I go to see my favorite Irishman; my Neurologist! I really do like him and he really is Irish with a brogue and all. It's just my annual visit. Since I'm working, I'll have to take a cab to the hospital and back to work. It's downtown but I still can't wait to see how much it will cost! I'll report back tomorrow. I have $60 and I hope that's enough!!!! Tomorrow also starts the dreaded Monthly Report at work. I don't hate it anymore; I have an abiding respect for it. However, if it ever goes away, I will not miss it! Can't wait to get to work tomorrow and see all the paper! I also have to try to finish another two projects. I wanted to be busy but you know what they say "be careful what you wish for!" I was very disappointed with my latest book by Sandra Brown. I thought it was a novel but it was actually a compilation of other authors works. Very disappointed. I guess it's back to the Oprah Book of the Month; Wild. I do miss Christian Grey though! I want another book in the "Grey" series. Well, I must get to bed now. I'm up earlier tomorrow so I can get to work earlier to make up my time. I'll be taking a longer lunch to go to the doc. Have a great Tuesday! Remember; laters baby. (From Shades of Grey.)

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