Monday, January 30, 2012

The Slippers Are DONE!!! - Monday, January 30, 2012

Slippers almost done.....
Slippers DONE!!!!!
YEAH!!! I finished the slippers last night and now I can start on Gregory's Skeleton Hat! Ooooops, looked at the pattern and the circular needle I used was for the smaller size hat! Darn, oh well, I'll just go and get the right size needle. Darn again, I don't have the right size needle! Oh well, I guess the hat will have to wait for a while! I hate it when I don't have the right size needle - OF MY THOUSANDS OF NEEDLES!

Oh well, at least these slippers are done and I can let the woman know she can pick them up. One less thing on my mind. Maybe I'll have to stop at Woolly Lamb tonight and drop the slippers off and pick up the right  size needle! : )

Have a wonderful day and make the most of it. Life is short and we only get one chance to live it!