Friday, February 22, 2013


Fridays are so nice! Unfortunately once dinner is over you start thinking that you have to go back to work on Monday! Oh well, I'll just enjoy the days off I have!

I have my Saturday all planned. I'll start off by going to Starbucks for a White Chocolate Mocha Latte - Tall! (Maybe I'll go a little crazy and get a Grande!) Maybe I'll sit and read a little. Then I'll go to the library to drop off some books and pick up some new ones. I'm going to do a bit of grocery shopping because I plan to make a Weight Watchers dinner; Mexican Casserole and some Weight Watchers Cherry Cheesecake for dessert! I hope they turn out good! Then, I'll come home and start cleaning the basement! It's been a catch-all since Christmas so now I'm scheduling a clean-up - FINALLY! I hope to get rid of a lot of crap!

Then, of course, I'll go to Woolly Lamb on Sunday!

Speaking of Weight Watchers; I have lost a total of 23.6 pounds! Yeah!!! I am so happy! I went to my Gynecologist on Tuesday and he was so happy for me! He gave me a fist bump! I lost 26 pounds since my visit last year! I was rewarded with a 10%  key chain at my last WW session! I am very close to my "little goal!"

I've been busy knitting and have finished three projects so far. I made another 3 am hat - this time a real pretty grey color. (I think this one may have to go to someone with the initials KEW!) I also finished another set of boot toppers and a Stephen West Purl Ridge Cowl in a very pretty deep purple color. 
Grey 3 am Hat

Boot Toppers
Purl Ridge Cowl
My new project is a Stephen West scarf. Not much progress on it yet but will have some pictures next week. This will probably be for one of the boys. I would also like to make a matching hat. I'm also going to start another Stephen West project; a scarf/shawl for me. Yes, Stephen West is our designer dejour! Brigitte is now carrying his books at Woolly Lamb Yarn Studio. He is a great designer.

Well, off to knitting now. I hoped to get back to my blog more often this year but it hasn't worked out that way. I'll try to update more often now because I really enjoy reading so many of the blogs I follow The Yarn Harlot, Crazy Mom Quilts to name a few, and get mad when they don't update regularly!

Enjoy the weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your blog again!!!