Sunday, May 19, 2013

Happy Sunday!

Good morning and Happy Sunday!
I won't even make excuses for the lack of recent posts...suffice to say...a combination of laziness and nothing to talk about! Also, my computer has been a little wonky but now seems to be OK. (Fingers crossed.) Hopefully I'll do better but no promises!

I have been reading a lot! I'm currently reading A Perfect Proposal by Katie Fforde (yes, there are two F's in her name.) She has several other books that I can't wait to read. Katie is a British author and "speaks" British in the book - fun to read the different phrases! I recently finished Whiskey Beach by Nora Roberts. Can't say enough good things about this one. Nora has not disappointed me with this book. I didn't want it to end. I liked it also because a man is the lead character. You don't find that in many romance books.

I have been busy, working, sewing, knitting and crafting in general. I've been working on one of my favorite new scarves; the Hitchhiker by Martina Behm. I made a beautiful blue shaded one for my "little" sister's 50th birthday. (Sorry Maria, it's just a number.) Her birthday isn't until September but I couldn't wait to give it to her! She looks beautiful in it! I'm also working on another one for myself (maybe, unless I decide to give it away to someone special!).
Maria with her Hitchhiker
My Hitchhiker Almost Done!

When I was at the Farm the last time, we went to a quilt show at Illinois Wesleyan University (where I wanted to go to college!) and Maria bought some fabric for a table runner. I finished it for her but still need to buy some buttons - maybe bread? I was able to make a long one and two smaller ones! Kathy also bought some but I'm waiting to get the material from her so I can make them too!

I had a nice day yesterday with 3 of my knitting friends. We had a delicious lunch (if I must say so myself) at my house. I prepared a simple Weight Watchers tuna salad served in a tomato with apples, carrots and a big bowl of fresh fruit. I used my good china, nice tablecloth and napkins, etc. It was an elegant "ladies" luncheon! 

Clockwise; me, Liz, Gladys and Ro

We then took a drive to one of my favorite suburbs, Downers Grove, for a bit of shopping. We stopped at one of my favorite quilt shops The Quilt Basket. We all got excited about sewing some pillow cases, table runners and possibly a quilt! There is so much inspiration at this shop.

We then stopped at a knit shop Knitche also in Downers Grove just around the corner! (One stop shopping!) I bought a yarn that I've been thinking about for a while. I finally bought a skein of Madeline Tosh yarn to make Stephen West's Pogona scarf. (Thanks for the idea Ro!) I really enjoy Stephen's patterns from his books.

Madeline Tosh for Stephen West's Pogona

Well, enough for now. Enjoy this beautiful day and until next time....


Anonymous said...

Loved the projects you have shown here!

Anonymous said...

It sure was a wonderful day and I enjoyed reading your post. you are also an inspiration Thanks Colleen- Ro

Unknown said...

Such beautiful work Colleen! Proud of my little sister!