Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 1 of 45!

Hi friends!
Yesterday was a success! I stayed on plan and felt so much better. I walked to the L in the morning and felt wonderful afterwards! Not too cold because my new down coat and boots were VERY warm! Yeah for me!

I picked up the Stephen West scarf I started knitting for my son David. It's Meadowbrook from Stephens'  Book One (given to me by Ro for Christmas last year!) I'm doing it in Stephens' colors; burgundy, dark gray and light gray. I really want to finish it for him for Christmas as well as make a matching hat. I also want to make a couple neck ties for Gregory - his request! I know I'll get them done because when I knit, I don't think about eating! I'll be doing a lot of knitting!

I really enjoy reviewing books so I'm going to tell you about the latest book I'm reading - The Silent Wife by S.A. Harrison. The is a great book set in Chicago. The author starts with "her" story and then "his" story follows detailing their lives. I'm about halfway done and can't put it down! I recommend it just with 1/2 the book done!

Well, I need to get going now so I can watch Chicago Fire. My cousin Tina was an extra in this weeks episode so I'm hoping I can see her. She's the one with blood on her face. Ha-ha!! I think there's a lot of people with blood on their faces tonight. No knitting tonight - can't watch Chicago Fire and concentrate on knitting too!

Thank you for indulging me with my challenge and for your very supportive comments!

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