Friday, January 4, 2013

Thank God It's Friday!

[Unfortunately I worked 4 hours overtime today and have to go in and work tomorrow - Saturday...oh well, more yarn $$$$ : )] I have to work on the dreaded monthly report because I have a massive book to work on next week. That's why I'm working all this overtime.

Hello friends,
I'm so excited because I received an email from Woolly Lamb Yarn Studio detailing the First Christmas Club 2013 Project. It is the hat shown below. I started mine with a Lorna's Laces red worsted. As you can see, I've only completed the ribbing and will be starting the cable pattern. More to come!
My hat
Woolly Lamb Sample Hat

I'm also starting a new project from one of my old books. This is a scarf that can be used as a hat too. I haven't started it yet but plan to do so soon.  This is the book I got it from; the one Joanne gave me.

An update to my weight loss - I lost .5 pounds! At least I didn't gain anything! I'm happy!

I also want to share a picture of a current project I'm working one (one of MANY!) This is more of a scarf/cowl. The yarn is so soft. I'm about halfway done.

Well, after much frustration with the blog, I finally got what I wanted to get done! Phew...this computer almost made it's way out the window - the hard way!!!

Until the next time....

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