Our weather really turned cold! It was so cold yesterday and even colder this morning. I think it was zero degrees with a wind chill of 15 below zero!
Even though it was cold, we still had a great time at Ro's house yesterday. Ro, Liz, Gladys and I met about 11:30 and started cutting sewing our pillow cases. Ro had a delicious lunch and dessert; all Weight Watchers! Such a great meal! Then we went back to sewing. Everyone but me made two pillowcases each. I was helping so I decided not to work on one. Gladys and Ro each made a 10 Minute Table Runner. They are very quick and easy! We really worked hard and got a lot accomplished. Ro even managed to hem a pair of pants for herself! Of course, I didn't take pics so I've nothing to show you! I do have one picture of a pillow case I'm working on. It's not completed of course, but the colors are pretty.
Weight Watchers has been doing OK for me. I lost .6 pounds last week - at least I didn't gain! I didn't have as much activity as I did last week so I didn't lose that much. I need to be more active!!! I've been extremely hungry that last few days so I'm afraid of the scale on Thursday!
They were so easy to make and fun to develop the designs. They looked challenging but I figured them out quite easily. I found these little pretties on Pinterest, went to the website and printed out the pattern. Pinterest is a great way to find so much information. It's also fun to just put "boards" together of your favorite things. I have boards for Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Shamrocks, Candy Corn - you name it, you can find something about it on Pinterest!
I also found another Valentine's Day project on Pinterest and made them over the weekend. This reminded me of being in Kindergarten but it was fun to make. You just take 1 inch strips of paper and stable them together! I also glued some ribbon on each streamer and there you go! Valentine's Day is one of my favorite decorating holidays. But, aren't they all my favorite for decorating?!
I made several of these but gave them away because I miss doing that
I watched a movie Saturday night, My Sister's Keeper. I read the book written by Jodi Picoult and loved it! It was truly a page turner and I couldn't put it down! The movie was TOTALLY different from the book. There was no comparison. I couldn't believe how much they changed it. You should definitely read the book before seeing the movie if you're interested in it.
Well, off to relax and, hopefully finish my January Woolly Lamb project of the month, the 3am hat. I'm almost done and will post a picture of it on my next blog. Have a great week and stay warm!!!
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