Good morning,
Today is Monday and a beautiful sunny, but cool day. It's hard to believe we have such wonderful weather in Chicago this winter. We are very lucky to enjoy these mild temperatures, little snow, and it's already the end of February! We're at the home stretch until Spring!
Liz and I are going to be putting together our Maggie Jackson stoles next month. Liz has a head start on hers and will be starting today. I have to finish a bit of my last piece, weave all the ends in (I think I have already done that for most of the pieces - there are about 10! - I HOPE I HAVE!) and then press all of them. I'll be ready to go next week Monday and get that project completed! I've only been working on in for two years! The last time I touched it was February 12, 2011 - I know because I dated where I left off so I would remember! : ) I will post a picture of all the pieces tonight and show the progress. My goal is to complete it by the end of March (or sooner!)
Elaine's hat turned out beautiful. I blocked it last night on a dinner plate and the crown looks beautiful! I'll take a picture tonight and post it. I hope she likes it! I think I'll be making another one for myself as it really looks nice!
My next goal is to finish my blue Maggie vest for summer. I started it two years ago and it's been in the "que" waiting to be completed. I have the back done and now need to start on the two front panels. There are no sleeves on it so it should go quickly! (I hope!) I have another Maggie cotton sweater to complete and that will be next. My goal is to complete at least 5 projects that are "on the needles" before I buy anymore yarn!
I don't want to get all religious but I was very upset this morning because I got on the "L" car today and there were at least 10 homeless people all over. I got off in digust and was very torn about my feelings. While I do feel sorry for them, I resent them taking up two seats, sprawling all over, etc. Then I came to work and read my "Living the Days of Lent 2012" for February 27, 2012." I was put in my place when I ready "Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me." - Matthew 25:40 Then I read "Can we give away a favorite possession today to a person in need of it?" God was definitely talking to me and I was duly chatised for my thoughts. I will not resent the homeless so much because a lot of us are just two or three paychecks away from homelessness!
Have a great day!
Thanks for your Blog.You have a many to knitting the next time but i am sure you get it all Things will look great.Sometimes open such experiences our eyes and they say us how good our life is.I dont believe in God or all religious Things but sometimes can one smile or a little help better as be blind.To be homeless or poor is not difficult just like you say two ot three paychecks away from homeless can be all of us.i hope you know what i mean.So let us celebrate our good life every day and our friendship.Because Friends are more important as all the money of the world.If your blue maggie vest for the summer are ready so please send me a pic,i want know how it looks.big hug to you and later a good eve and good night
Thank goodness you realized God was showing you the way! Not much we can do because there are just so many homeless today. When I see one, I smile and tell them I hope they have a good day. It's all I have to give and sure do hope it's enough. Been close myself so, I can understand! Love you!
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