Monday, February 20, 2012

Good Morning Chicago! Happy President's Day!

Well, since we don't get the day off today for President's Day - the best part of President's Day was that I didn't have to sit next to anyone on the train! YEAH!! The trains were empty and not at all crowded. It was like going to work on a Saturday.

Tomorrow is Paczki Tuesday, or Fat Tuesday A Paczek is a very decadent pastry (like a donut) filled with fresh strawberries, custard, whipped cream, etc. - VERY fattening. Polish people celebrate the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday by, what else, EATING! This is the last day before fasting begins and getting ready for Easter. This is the last day to eat all the meat you want and decadent food! We begin fasting on Wednesday and then no meat on Fridays. My DH and I will stop at our favorite bakery and pick up some Paczki so he can take them to his fellow workers. (The store opens early and there are lines out the door because everyone loves them.) His fellow workers all look forward to these delicacies and enjoy them. He, of course, gets a whipped cream and strawberry one for me as well as for the rest of us at home! Mandy, I'll eat one for you! : )

Alas, I was very busy this weekend and didn't get a chance to post any pictures. I did finish my February Project from Woolly Lamb and love it. It's a beautiful cable hat. I also started a new scarf pattern that our dear Tom brought in for us. (Darn you Tom!) It's a very lovely soft green multi-colored drapy scarf that is actually fun to knit. I'll post a pic of that one too. Of course, I got my new red Namaste bags on Thursday. They are so beautiful. I'll post pictures of them tonight too. I'll be taking pics all night. 

Gregory signed the lease for an apartment for the last semester of this year. Luckily it's right across the street from his current apartment so it will be easy to move. That worry is over for me. Now we wait until David takes the Bar Exam next week! Does the worrying ever end?

Well, since I forgot to charge my phone last night and left it at home charging, I can't play words with friends. I'll check my email now and Facebook and then get to work!

Enjoy the day and be sure you smile! : )


Paulette said...

Well this is really cool! Thanks for sharing. I don't know how to get here with out clicking on what you had posted on facebook. I'm a real computer dummy but I really did enjoy reading your stuff. I love ya cuz. Keep on blogging and knitting! :-)

Mandy Schröder said...

You are back here YEAH!!!Every country has his own yummy foods and i think i would try a Paczek with fresh Strawberries because i love all Things with Strawberries.Its very nice of you tha you eat one for me.I dont know how many Pancakes i sold today but tomorrow is the last day of carneval and Pancakes,Thanks God!!In Karlsruhe is tomorrow the big Carnival work with 200000 crazy poeple on the street.I am looking forward so much at the Pics of your new cable hat because have no Idea how it looks.
I am so sure that your David takes the bar exam next week like the word amen in the church.Dont worry be happy!:))))