Tuesday, May 13, 2008

OK Sharon, I Have A Pic!

I recently completed my first sock and am very pleased with the result. My son was also. When I first started knitting, I took a sock knitting class and failed miserably. I had promised him a pair of hand knitted socks and am finally half way through my promise! I present the first sock...not sure what yarn it is...I do know I can wash and dry it, according the owner of Woolly
Lamb! He is off to Marquette University in the fall so I hope I can made a few more pairs to keep his feet warm up in Wisconsin!
Today I also joined a Summer Sock Making Knitalong. I was checking out http://wendyknits.net/ and read about the Summer of Socks 2008. I found a link to http://zarzuelaknitsandcrochets.com/blog and learned all about this two month knitalong. It begins on June 21 and runs through September 1. You have to register by May 15. Check it out.

Friday, May 9, 2008


Thank God it's Friday!

I was able to knit a bit on my "Rambling Rows" sweater turned into blanket last night. My next class is on Saturday, May 17. I can't wait to show everyone what I did to my sweater. Being a "plus size" I had to knit a bit larger with my Debbie Bliss cotton. Needless to say, I was HATING my upcoming sweater A LOT! I had the third of four squares done and realized the sweater was going to look awful on me. The yarn was very loose and the sweater was just going to hang too loosely. Oh well, someone will get a very luxurious baby blanket. It is very soft and the colors are beautiful.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Clearing Out Some Yarn...For New Yarn? NO!!!

What a relief! I was getting a bit crazy trying to figure out what to do with some of my stash of yarn. I have come to the realization that I am a "collector." A collector of yarn, scrapbook paper, books, magazines, etc. I tried to keep all of my yarn, pattern books, needles, and magazines in one place but it's just not possible (unless I kick my hubby out of the room and take it over...not a bad idea) but I digress. Anyway, our church announced Sunday that the Girl Scouts (bless them!) will be holding a collection for leftover yarn beginning May 18 to make laprobes for the elderly and housebound. Thank you...my prayers have been answered. I can now feel good about getting rid of some of my yarn that I was holding onto to make something...

As I was looking over my stash I realized that maybe, just maybe I'll eventually make something out of this yarn - no, I must give some of it up! I finally managed to give up 1/2 of what I was holding onto to make two afghans. I may make one but may decide, by May 18, to just give it all up. I also found some more yarn I was planning to make a scarf with...do I need to make another scarf?...so in the bag it went. A great weight has been lifted off my shoulders!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I have a Blog!?

I've been thinking about setting up a "blog" for a year or so now and have finally done it! Now I just don't know what to say! I recently met someone visiting the states from London, England at my favorite knitting shop "Woolly Lamb" (woollylambyarn.com) in Norwood Park in Chicago, Illinois. We were talking about Ravelry.com and that we were both on it. I got her name and looked her up. I couldn't believe the great blog she had so I looked into doing one for myself using her "blog company." It really seems to be pretty easy and free...or I hope so!

I love to knit, scrapbook and am interested in learning to quilt and crochet. I also belong to Ravelry.com. I love to read knitting blogs, especially The Yarn Harlot!

Please bear with me as I learn something new in my middle age!