I recently completed my first sock and am very pleased with the result. My son was also. When I first started knitting, I took a sock knitting class and failed miserably. I had promised him a pair of hand knitted socks and am finally half way through my promise! I present the first sock...not sure what yarn it is...I do know I can wash and dry it, according the owner of Woolly
Lamb! He is off to Marquette University in the fall so I hope I can made a few more pairs to keep his feet warm up in Wisconsin!
Lamb! He is off to Marquette University in the fall so I hope I can made a few more pairs to keep his feet warm up in Wisconsin!
Today I also joined a Summer Sock Making Knitalong. I was checking out http://wendyknits.net/ and read about the Summer of Socks 2008. I found a link to http://zarzuelaknitsandcrochets.com/blog and learned all about this two month knitalong. It begins on June 21 and runs through September 1. You have to register by May 15. Check it out.