Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Clearing Out Some Yarn...For New Yarn? NO!!!

What a relief! I was getting a bit crazy trying to figure out what to do with some of my stash of yarn. I have come to the realization that I am a "collector." A collector of yarn, scrapbook paper, books, magazines, etc. I tried to keep all of my yarn, pattern books, needles, and magazines in one place but it's just not possible (unless I kick my hubby out of the room and take it over...not a bad idea) but I digress. Anyway, our church announced Sunday that the Girl Scouts (bless them!) will be holding a collection for leftover yarn beginning May 18 to make laprobes for the elderly and housebound. Thank prayers have been answered. I can now feel good about getting rid of some of my yarn that I was holding onto to make something...

As I was looking over my stash I realized that maybe, just maybe I'll eventually make something out of this yarn - no, I must give some of it up! I finally managed to give up 1/2 of what I was holding onto to make two afghans. I may make one but may decide, by May 18, to just give it all up. I also found some more yarn I was planning to make a scarf I need to make another scarf? in the bag it went. A great weight has been lifted off my shoulders!

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