Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy Monday!

Monday always comes around, doesn't it?

Just a another short but sweet post. I'm posting during lunch today as I didn't have time this morning.

I had a so-so WW weekend. Saturday was good as I figured I used most of my 49 extra points for dinner and would be back on track for the week. Sunday was not the best but I figured if there were any "leftover" points from my bank, I certainly used them as well as any Activity Points I received. Back on track today! That's the good thing; there's always tomorrow!

I did some sewing yesterday and was happy with my progress. I did some "homework" on our monthly blocks (we forgot we had to do it so I volunteered to do it yesterday so Ro could do her part.) I also finished my block of the month for April (yes, I'm a month behind!) and did some work on my project bags. I've resigned myself to the fact that since I don't have a large chunk of time to work on my sewing, I'll just do it in increments. It will get done, slowly but surely. I'm trying to "let it go!"

My second sock is coming along nicely! I'm doing the heel now and hope to have it turned and ready to just start knitting the foot part on Thursday. I really enjoy knitting socks and sometimes wonder why I don't do more of them! I guess time is the old enemy! I haven't knit on the green scarf for a while but am determined to finish it before September! : )

Well, lunch time is just about over so I'll sign off. Until we meet again!

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