Friday, June 8, 2012

What A Week!

Hello to my friends,
Thanks to my dear son Gregory, I think everyone can get to my blog now. He put a link to my blog on my Facebook Timeline so everyone can see it! Thank you Gregory! It's amazing how bright these young kids are!

It's been a busy, crazy, and exciting week for me. I'm glad it's over and am looking forward to relaxing and having a quiet weekend. I'll finally get my hair cut and colored - very much needed - since my hairdresser canceled on me last week!  Then I'm going to go to a quilt shop after lunch. This will be my second shop on the Quilt Shop Hop. The shop is called Quilters Heaven. Can't wait to see it!

As promised, here is a picture of my finished Soduko quilt. I put the binding on and just have to press it a bit. Now, what to do with it? I'm thinking maybe I'll make it a wall hanging. It's too nice to just use as a lap quilt! It is a work of art if I must say so myself!

This is the doll quilt and pillow I made for Brigitte's granddaughter Audrey. She celebrated her 4th birthday last month! She really is quite a bright, sweet, and beautiful  little girl! 

Tom, Gregory and I went to a new (to us) Mexican restaurant for dinner tonight. We had a Groupon and used it for a great meal. It was El Sombrero in Mt. Prospect. A nice place but not as good as Don Juan's in Edison Park or Hay Carumba in Park Ridge!  

Just so you don't think I haven't been knitting (I haven't really been doing that much - got hooked on reading and quilting!) this is the start of a shrug for my niece Brittany. I think she'll like it.

It's Berroco yarn; both the yellow and the multicolor. I think she'll really enjoy wearing it this winter!

I saw strangest thing on the "L" yesterday when I was coming home. An older man was sitting in the seat right by the door and in front of me. An older, heavyset (don't you love that word?) woman got on and looked at the guy and asked him to get up so she could sit. Now, in my six months of taking the "L" back and forth to work, I notice that 90% of the men who get on the "L" will stand even if there are seats. I've also seen men stand up and give up their seat when there's a woman standing near them. I don't know whether this woman had a right to tell that man to get up so she could sit! I was surprised and a bit amused and thought I would never have the nerve to do that!

I'm almost done with the Oprah Winfrey Book of the Month book "Wild." It's really an interesting book about a woman's journey on the PCT - Pacific Crest Trail. The author actually walked this trail and the book details her trials and tribulations. My next book in the que is Now and Then by Jacqueline Sheehan.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and has a chance to relax and enjoy the hot temperatures - whether sitting in the air conditioned house (like me!) or doing something outside!


Mandy Schröder said...

Hi Colleen,what is a shrug?I like the Yarn and the Color,it looks so beautiful.You must have so many Fun to knitt it!Do you go with your Brother to the AA Meeting?Sorry when i am a little Bit nosy!Since Yesterday we have in Europe the European Soccer Games and today play our Team against Portugal,we are so excited if Germany win.We both hope you feel good and we wish you a quiet Weekend for you so you have enough Power for the new Week.Love Mandy

Juanita Plock said...

So did the old man get up? She sounds rude to me, kinda like Mama would have done, lol!