Monday, April 16, 2012

After a Long Absence....

Yes, I am still alive! I did not have a great week last week. Suffice to say, I think I'm finally back to normal (whatever that is for me!) We were all a bit sick on Easter Sunday but my DH especially. He had whatever it was the worst! I had a tooth pulled on Monday and was taking an antibiotic which also gave me a bit of a tummy ache in addition to whatever else. I was tired and not feeling great until about Friday evening. Nothing serious, just a general blah feeling.

But now I have my appetite back (unfortunately) and am full of piss and vinegar!! : )

I went to a knitting class yesterday at Woolly Lamb taught by dear Cat. (Not Cat Bordhi!) This is a very talented young lady from our Thursday night Open Knit Night. She is teaching us how to knit two socks at the same time from the toe up on a 40" circular needle. It is something I've been curious about and I needed a bit of a challenge knitting socks. I am known as the "Sock Queen" of Woolly Lamb and needed to try something different. After a rough start (thanks Mary for the help - she is a great Chicago Public School Teacher too!) I managed to get all the increases (yes Cat, INCREASES and not DECREASES as I was calling them!) done and am ready to just knit, knit, knit for a while. It's not as hard as I thought it would be so I am encouraged. It's also pretty fun!

I was not able to take any pictures of my completed projects so I promise to get something up on the website before the end of the week. I'll even post a picture of my tiny little toes beginning my toe-up socks!

Today I have to call in to see if I have to report for Jury Duty tomorrow. I'm hoping I get called so I can give the judge a piece of my mind after what they did to Gregory this past summer. He went to see if he would be on a jury and the judge as well as the lawyers berated him and accused him a lying about something. They also accused him of pretending he went to Marquette by asking about the mascot! I couldn't believe how terrible they were to him. Isn't the judge supposed to protect potential jurors and not abuse them and not let the lawyers abuse them! I was so made when he came home and told us what happened. Oh well, we'll see what happens for me. I guess I should be careful so I don't open my mouth and get put in the slammer myself!

I watched all of Season 1 of The Game of Thrones as well as the first episode of Season 2. Now I have to catch up on the second the third episodes. I just love that series! I'm also reading The Hunger Games now and am slowing getting caught up in that. Thanks Gregory! I just love that he and I both love to read and I can relate to the books he reads! So many books to read and not enough time! Thank God for working downtown as I read a lot now on the train and at lunch time.

Well, speaking of work, back to the salt mines!

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