Thursday, June 11, 2009

Working Out

Last night my DH and ds went to the Community Center for the first time. I sort of felt stupid because I was one of the oldest women there. I also don't have any "nice" workout clothes. I did walk around the track 6 that a mile? It was much easier that walking in the neighborhood but not as much fun...pretty boring...I need an Ipod! My ds and I also rode the "Lifestyle" bikes for 10 minutes....I didn't want to push myself! I think I could really get into that exercise stuff except for the fact that I'm not sure how to use everything!

I finished my 5th pair of socks last night...knitchner on toes completed...I love doing that but have to have absolute quiet and no one bothering me! I also started knitting another pair using a soy yarn with crab shells in it? It's actually very soft. They are destined to be shorter socks, not the usual high ankle socks. I will post pics of both pairs tonight...promise!


June said...

I found your blog while surfing the other day and was amazed by how much we had in common. I knit, scrapbook, quilt and craft pretty much every spare moment I have. I am a school librarian by day and avid crafter by night and weekend. I also love Debbie Macomber. She just purchased a home in our little Florida town! She is delightful!
I am Vintageinspired on Ravelry. Send me a message sometime and we can help each other be accounable on Weight Watchers. I joined about two weeks ago and am determined to win the war this time! June

craftingismylife said...

Hi June, I gave up on ANYONE reading my blog! I'm so glad you found it! We must have been twins separated at birth! We do have some much in common! I'm also on - Sablegirl. I'll post a pic of my fabulous socks. I'm almost finished with my latest pair. WW is going OK...not as enthusiastic as I was. I'm trying...lost 6 pounds so far!